Monday, April 14, 2014

NEW LINK (2025) - The Cardamom Diaries - Compiled & mixed by The Cowboys from Sweden (2014)

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the latest mix by the The Cowboys from Sweden titled "The Cardamom Diaries". An 80 minute non-stop schizophrenic mix of moody widescreen gems, ranging from cerebral jazz funk, to heavy soundtrack and library psychedelia, bombastic vocals, classical overtures, tender themes for romance and other cosmic fantasies... I have spent a lot of time digging and ripping for this one and I feel it one of my favorites so far.  I hope you feel the same.  That's all I will say.  The music will speak volumes on it's own behalf.  Comments are always appreciated.  Thanks for listening and enjoy the new sounds!

Ripped at 320 for your discerning ears.

Download Here.